IBRU Professional Training Workshop: Finding an Equitable Solution in Maritime Boundary Delimitation

calendar08:30 Monday, 15 September 2025 to 16:00 Wednesday, 17 September 2025

This unique course is designed to help governments and boundary practitioners develop effective strategies for turning river boundaries and international rivers into assets rather than a source of friction between the riparian states. Led by expert tutors with extensive practical experience of resolving problems associated with shared rivers, the workshop will cover issues such as: defining and demarcating river boundaries; identifying key river features such as the thalweg, the ‘main channel’ and the ‘banks’; islands in boundary rivers; monitoring and accommodating physical changes in river boundaries; managing access and resource use in shared rivers; and resolving disputes over river boundaries and international rivers. The workshop will combine instruction in the principles and practice of river boundary definition and management, detailed case studies and practical exercises. Venue: Durham Law School, Durham University.


Contact - Liz Buxton

+44 1913341965



IBRU Professional Training Workshop: Finding an Equitable Solution in Maritime Boundary Delimitation


Booking Available